to Main Trail Info Page
Trail is open to:
- Motorcycles:

- ATVs:

- Full Size ORVs:

Note that some trail system may have multiple trails and each
may be open to various vehicles - some may have trails open only
to motorcyles that are paralled by another trail that's open
to cycles, ATVs and on up to full size vehicles.
Trail Name
Pg# 19 (indicates which page to find this trail in our ORV Trail
Map Book)
Width: 50" (width the trail is maintained to, in inches)
Length: 22 (length in miles of the trail)
Traffic: A Lot (level of traffic on average)
County Rds Open to ORVs: No (if county roads near the trail are open to ORVs)
Forest Rds Open to ORVs: No (if forest roads near the trail are open to ORVs)
Trail description and other relevant bits of info.
Map images are direct from our Map Books, just scaled-down lower
resolution versions.
Photos are generally from a plain old Canon digital camera. Video
is mostly from a helmet mounted unit from VholdR.
All editing is done on a Mac by VVMapping. We even made the music... |