Information for each version
of the GPS Snowmobile Trail Maps
You can tell which version
you have by:
- Choosing "about MapSource",
then clicking "installed products"
- Panning the map to Saginaw Bay and noting the gas/parking icons
for VVMapping listed with version number for the product.
- Noting
the date listed on map image files.
- Noting the information in the
Read Me file (shown during the installer program as well
as located in the C:\VVMapping\ folder)
- Noting the date listed on the
installed map information screen on your GPS.
Version 11.0.1 (1/25/25)
Added North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. Black Hills system included. Trails in eastern South Dakota and all of North Dakota should be considered low precision as they are based on State-provided public data.
MI: Updates in western LP and western UP, including Trail 1, 12, 13 and 109.
WI and MN: No updates
Version 10.7.1 (12/15/24)
MI: Updated Trail 13 (closed) and 109 (partially open) in western UP.
MN: Updated trails near Kenyon.
Version 10.7.0 (12/10/24)
Updated trails throughout MI, WI and MN.
Version 10.6.3 (1/30/24)
WI: Updated Portage, Waupaca, Washara and Dane counties.
Version 10.6.2 (1/2/24)
MI: Added new trail 998 (Rogers City Spur).
WI: Updated Lincoln, Outagamie, Vilas county, removing closed trails and adding new/reroutes.
Version 10.6.1 (12/19/23)
MI: Corrected data error in EUP
Version 10.6.0 (12/10/23)
Updates to Trails 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 13, 47, 471, 49, 491.
Other POI and Trail updates.
Substantial updates throughout state.
Added new Corridor Trail Numbers to trail number, example "SM-420/MN47"
Numerous updates throughout state.
GL SNOW Version 10.5.0 (12/15/22)
Updated Trails 1 and 2 western UP; 679 near Frederic.
Minor misc updates.
Misc updates throughout state.
Added new trails near Duluth.
Misc updates throughout state.
GL SNOW Version 10.4.3 (2/17/22)
Updated Trails 1, 100 and 13 near Bergland.
Minor misc updates.
Updated Vilas and Iron counties.
Updated Wood, Marathon, Taylor and Clark counties, thanks to DCraft for data.
Updated Douglas, Sawyer and Bayfield counties, thanks to DRauch for data and info.
Updated Lincoln and Taylor counties, thanks to JKennedy for data.
Updated Douglas county, thanks to EShaffer for data.
UPdated Oneida, Forest, Florence, Oconto and Langlade counties, thanks to GLassanske for data.
Updated Sawyer, Bayfield, Douglas, Washburn and Barron counties, thanks to JWishal for data.
Added new trail near Jordan, thanks to EBachinski for info.
Misc updates.
GL SNOW Version 10.4.2 (1/22/22)
Updated Trail 133 new Gay
Updated Trail 47 near Strongs
Updated Wood County, thanks to DCraft for data.
Technical Routing corrections for various trails.
GL SNOW Version 10.4.0 (12/1/21)
Updated lines and levels to better work with newer Garmin units.
Added and updated new trails near Wakefield.
Added new trail near Kaleva; removed closed trail near Maple City.
Misc updates throughout State.
Updated Dane, Green, Rock, Waupaca, Marquette, Vilas, Oneida and Marathon counties. Misc updates throughout State.
Misc updates throughout State.
Added missing section of Skyline Trail. Thanks to BAsker for data.
Version 10.3.1 (2/15/21)
Updated Trail 8 & 47 near Raco.
Updated Trail 3 and 133 in the Keeweenaw. Thanks to EGlowacki & DPollum for data/info.
Updated: Langlade, Marathon, Shawano, Portage, Waupaca, Ashland, Bayfield, Iron, and Sawyer counties thanks to BEskildsen for data.
Updated Walworth, Racine, Kenosha, Waukesha, Jefferson, Rock, Iowa and Lafayette counties.
Updated Racine, Walworth, Waukesha and Kenosha counties, thanks to DDill for data.
Updated Vilas county, thanks to BPointon for data.
Added new trails in Lafayett county, thanks to LMcGuire for info.
Updated Dane and Rock counties, thanks to BMiller for info.
Updated Chippewa County, thanks to RMechelke for data.
Updated Sauk, Dane and Columbia counties, thanks to JNimmow for data.
Updated Ozaukee, Sheboygan, Washington, Fon Du Lac and Dodge counties, thanks to MEichstaedt for data.
Added missing lake trail 26 in Washburn county, thanks to RPoznansky for info.
Updated Dane, Columbia, Dodge and Jefferson counties, thanks to RWeihert for data.
Minor updates in/near Hennepin County.
Version 10.2.0 (11/30/20)
Added new Trail 174 (western UP).
Re-added closed section of Trail 109 and removed now-closed sections (western UP).
Removed closed Trail 11S (western UP).
Added new Trail 1 (lake gogebic).
Updated Trail 457 (Curtis area).
Updated Trail 614 with new sections (Irons area).
Updated Thumb trail system, thanks to GFaith for data.
Updated Trail 2 and 102 (western UP), thanks to JCavanaugh for data.
Updated Trail 3 (western UP), thanks to Eglowacki for data.
Updated Trail 15 (western UP), thanks to CFaison for data.
Removed closed section of Trail 16 (southwest UP).
Updated trail 10 near St Germain, thanks to BPOinton for data.
Updated Dodge and Washington Counties, thanks to MEichstaedt for data.
Updated Sheboygan and Manitowoc counties, thanks to WMiller for data.
Updated Montroe county, thanks to CZiegler for data.
Updated Washburn county, thanks to CHanson for data.
Updated Dunn county, thanks to TKohnke for data.
Updated Chippewa county, thanks to RMechelke for data.
Updated Fond Du Lac county, thanks to DThelen for data.
Updated Waushara, Dane, Adams, Rock, County.
Dozens of trail updates/adds/changes/deletes. 49 Counties affected.
Version 10.1.0 (12/2/19)
Updated new Trail 109 and Trail 102 (western UP)
Removed closed Trail 15 (Baraga)
Trail Name changes in Oneida County
MN: No changes
Version 10.0.0 (11/15/19)
Major version bump to align with ORV version.
Added new Trail 440 near Seney.
Removed closed section of Trail 109 near Sturgeon River Gorge in western UP.
Added new Trail 109.
Updated Trails 2, 16 and 5 in west/central UP. Thanks to CFaison for data.
Misc Updates throughout.
Updated Barron County, thanks to JWishall for data.
Added Grand Portage trails, thanks to MMcTavish for data.
Misc updates in Lake and St Louis Counties, thanks to BGrierson for info.
Minor POI updates
Version 8.7.0 (2/10/19)
Updates to Trails 71, 710, 704 and 717 in Emmet County.
Minor updates to trails in Oscoda and Alcona counties
Added new trail 320 to Hart plus other minor updates in Oceana county.
Updated Trail 19 in Muskegon County.
Updates to Trail 8 in Luce & Alger County, thanks to CFaiman for data.
Updated Trail 43 and 457 near Curtis and 47 near Strongs, thanks to CFettig for data.
Updated trail 100, 1, 13 and 160 in western UP.
Updated Trail 5 near Felch.
Updated Oneida County
Minor updates in Sawyer county, thanks to DDill for info.
Updated Burnett and Barron counties, thanks to JWishall for data.
Updated Racine and Kenosha counties, thanks to DDill for data.
Updated Winnebago County, thanks to JOllanketo & the Winnebago County Snowmobile Alliance for data.
Updated Calumet County, some sections thanks to WMiller for data.
Update Sheboygan county, thanks to JWeber for data.
Added new trail 13a near Glidden and sections of Vilas & Bayfield counties, thanks to SBacklund for data.
Updated sections of Ashland County, thanks to TCarlen for data.
Updated Forest, Florence and Oconto counties.
Updated city of Tomahawk, thanks to MSigl for data.
Updated Sawyer County, thanks to DDill for data.
Updated Dodge, Ozaukee, Washington and Waukesha Counties, thanks to MEichstaedt & WMiller for data.
Updated Cass County, thanks to MFunk for data.
Updated Aitkin County, thanks to MWidseth for info.
Version 8.6.2 (1/23/19)
Various snowmobile trail routing tweaks and revised colors for trails-on-roads in MI.
Version 8.6.1 (12/7/18)
Various snowmobile trail routing corrections in MI.
Version 8.6.0 (12/1/18)
Changed several western UP trails to "local access" to reflect their temporary closure for this season.
Updated Trail 13 near Bergland; Updated trails 96 and 969 near Mio.
Updated trail 18 near Republic, thanks to CFaiman for data.
Updated Trail 15 near Chassel, thanks to EGlowacki for data.
Updated Trail 2 near Naubinway; trail 48 near Kinross, thanks to BOlsick for data.
Added all state forest roads for both LP and UP, now included in routing table. Major update for off-trail riders.
Updated USFS roads in all three National Forests.
Major updates to routing network.
Misc POI updates.
Updated Columbia, Sauk, Vilas, Waushara, Waupaca and Marathon counties.
Updated Douglas, Dunn, Pierce, St Crois and Washburn counties, thanks to DNorth for data.
Misc POI and trail updates.
Updated USFS Roads/trails.
Version 8.5.0 (1/15/18)
Corrected MN/WI routing across border.
Major update of State Forest Roads in NLP.
Updated Trail 888 near Grand Marais, thanks to JCavanaugh for data.
Updated Trail 5 near Marquette, thanks to BOlsick to for data.
Added new connector trail to Whiskey Creek Campground, Baldwin area.
Updated trails 3, 35, 3/25; added Irons local connector, Irons area.
Misc updates through State.
Updated Dane, Marinette, Oconto, Vilas, Bayfield, Chippewa and Price Counties.
Updated Oneida, Langlade, Price, Lincoln & Vilas counties, thanks to MSigl for data.
Updated Rusk county, thanks to GLockburner for data.
Updated Sawyer county, thanks to MSeverson for data.
Updated trail 196 near Duluth, thanks to MFunk for data.
Version 8.1.0 (11/20/17)
Corrected MI/WI routing across border.
Thanks to M Severson, D North, M Sigl, G Lockburner for data.
Misc updates through State.
Thanks for MKelly for data
Added Trail 11S (had been closed).
Misc updates through State.
Updated USFS Roads/Trails. Misc Updates
Version 8.0.0 (1/20/17)
Technical updates enabling better POI/city searching.
Removed closed trail 489 (Grayling).
Added new trail 37 (Mesick-Copemish).
Added new trail 373 (Caberfae).
Added new trail 791 (Starvation Lake).
Updated trail 422 (Wetmore).
Updated trail 431 (Seney).
Updated trail 47 (Hessel).
Updated Trail 591 (Green Lake) - thanks to J Berens for data.
Added new trail 761 (Wolverine).
Updated Trail 510 (Traverse City).
Updated Trail 18 & 21 near Hayward WI, thanks to D Dill for data.
Updated Chippewa County, thanks to R Mechelke for data.
Updated St Croix County, thanks to E Andre for data.
Removed closed trails near Tomahawk; thanks to M Sigl for info.
Many POI updates.
Major update, numerous trail updates throughout state.
POI updates throughout state.
Corrected bug that was omitting USFS roads.
Version 7.6.0 (11/25/16)
Updated Trail 15 (western UP); 8 & 47 near Raco; removed closed trail 614 near Bass lake. Misc Updates
Misc Updates
No Updates
Version 7.5.0 (3/15/16)
Major under the hood changes with improvements in routing and related performance.
Added ORV Trails (black dotted lines).
Misc updates
Updated counties: Bayfield, Douglas, Iron, Washburn, Sawyer, Forest, Oneida, Barron, Rusk, Lincoln, Langlade, St. Croix, Dunn, Marathon, Door, Clark, Pierce, Kewaunee, Calumet, Winnebago
Thanks to J Wishall, D North, M Sigl, G Lockburner, M Severson, J Kennedy, Drifters Snowmobile Club and J Probst.
Updated Cook, Lake, Winona, Olmsted, Fillmore & Mower counties.
Thanks to J Wishall and R Kratz for data.
Version 6.8.0 (1/26/16)
Renamed new trail 12 to trail 137 (Ontonagon) and updated Trail 12.
Updated trail 2 near Wakefield, thanks to B Eskildsen for data.
Renamed section of Trail 1 to Trail 11 (correction).
Added new trail to Walloon Lake (currently local-access).
Added new Trail 6 connector near St Helen.
Updated Trail 431 near Seney, thanks to R Mrakitsch for data.
Updated 765 near Wolverine; 4 near Gaylord; 39 near Thompsonville, 3 near Maple City.
Removed Empire spur trail.
Updated trail 9 near Millersburg, thanks to R Ratz for info.
Updated trail 3 near Kaleva, thanks to C Ford for info.
Version 6.7.0 (11/25/15)
Removed closed trails 4 (Charlevoix), 768 (Mancelona), 11S (Wakefield), 11N (Ramsay), 422 (Wetmore/Miners Castle).
Removed closed Trail 12, added new Trail 12 (Ontonagon).
Updated Trail 2 (Wakefield).
Updated Trail 6 & 651 (Lake City).
Updated Trail 8 (Pine Stump).
Added new/proposed trails:
Interlochen & Mesick (show as local access trails in this version).
Updated Dane County
Various updates in the following counties:
Barron, Chippewa, Douglas, Iron, Price, Sawyer, Vilas, Washburn.
Thanks to J Wishall, R Kratt, J Kennedy & B Eskildsen.
Misc Updates
Version 6.6.0 (2/10/15)
Minor changes on Trail 69 by St Helen, Trail 1 in Ontonagon county.
Various updates in the following counties, thanks to J Wishall for data:
Barron, Bayfield, Chippewa, Douglas, Gogebic, Iron, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, St. Croix, Vilas, Washburn.
Version 6.5.0 (2/1/15)
Updated 124 and 133 in Keewenaw. Thanks for M Sigl for data.
Updated Trail 43 near Curtis, thanks to D Handke for data.
Updated Trail 2 near Naubinway; misc POI additions.
Updated Trail 551 and 5 near Traverse City.
Updated Chippewa county, thanks for R Mechelke for info.
Updated portions of Oneida county, thanks for M Sigl for data.
Updated portions of Vilas, Iron, Ashland, Price and Oneida counties. Thanks to R Kratt & D Dill for some data sections.
Updated portion of Waukesha county, thanks to D Dill for data.
Updated portion of Taylor county, thanks to J Kennedy for data.
MN: No Changes
Version 6.4.0 (1/15/15)
Moved 443 and 88 back to 2013 season location, updated section of 888 near Seney; updated trail 47 near Strongs; thanks to R Mrakitsch for data/info.
Misc updates in Ashland, Bayfield, Vilas & Forest counties, thanks to R Kratt for data.
Version 6.3.0 (12/24/14)
WI: Corrected routing issue between some counties.
Version 6.2.0 (12/18/14)
Updated trail near Mancelona, thanks to K Davenport for data.
Updated Trail 49 & 491 near Pickford (east UP), thanks to S Volkers for info.
Removed reroute on Trail 3 in Keweenaw.
Removed closed sections of trail in Washburn county, thanks to J Wishall for info.
Updated Jefferson County, thanks to E Bauer for data.
Version 6.1.0 (11/18/14)
Misc minor updates to central and western UP; thanks to B Eskildsen & F Kraemer for data.
Updated portions of Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Forest, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marinette, Oconto, Oneida, Ozaukee, Sheboygan & Vilas. Thanks to B Eskildsen & J Weber for data.
Various POI updates.
Version 6.0.0 (11/6/14)
Updated Trail 55 near Traverse City
Updated Trail 7 near Munising
Added Commercial Forest Land (CFL) to map, private land with public access.
Changed public land to display in 3 shades of green for National, State and Commercial Forest Land.
Many POI Updates
Major updates in many counties.
Major POI additions in many counties.
Updated Monroe County, thanks to Monroe County Snowmobile Association
Updated Ashland County, thanks to Ashland County Snowmobile Alliance
Version 5.8.0 (3/15/14)
Corrected inter-state trail routing (can now route from WI into MI, MN into WI, etc.)
Updates in WI:
Updated Eau Claire County, thanks to Eau Claire County Snowmobile Association.
Updated portions of Waukesha, Doge, Fon Du Lac and Washington counties, thanks to D Luker for data.
Updated portions of Fon Du Lac County, thanks to Campbellsport Sno Cougars.
Updated portions of Ashland, Bayfield, Dunn, Iron, Pepin, Pierce & Sawyer counties, thanks to R Kratt for data.
Updated portions of Sawyer county, thanks to D Dill for data.
Updated Portions of Sawyer, Bayfield, Ashland, Clark, Iron, Taylor, Buffalo, Portage, Marathon, Waushara and Waupaca counties, thanks to B Eskildsen for data.
Updated portions of Green Lake County, thanks to Princeton Sno-Barons Snowobile Club for data.
Updated portions of Sawyer, Bayfield and Washburn, thanks to G Lockburner for data.
Major POI updates for multiple counties in WI.
Updates in MI:
Minor misc trail updates.
Updates in MN:
Changed trail label to shield-style as used in MI and WI maps.
Updated Routing functionality to work better with road/trail connections.
Version 5.7.0 (2/25/14)
Updates in MI:
Updated Trail 453 near Paradise, thanks to D Loyd for data.
Updated Trail 14 near Big Bay, thanks to D Zoller for data.
Added Trail 3 alt near Kaleva, thanks to C Fettig for info.
Minor Routing corrections in UP and LP, thanks to E Roggenbuck and T Swetich for info.
Updates in WI:
Updates to Shawano, Waupaca, Marathon and Outagamie counties.
Many POI additions (many areas).
Updated Dunn County, thanks to Dunn County Snowmobile Association.
Updated Waushara, Winnebago and Green Lake Counties, thanks to Berlin River Riders.
Updated Monroe, LaCrosse, Vernon, Trempealeau, Jackson, Clark and Buffalo Counties, thanks to P Kohlmeier for data.
Misc updates in Lincoln, Price, Vilas and Oneida counties, thanks to M Sigl for data.
Version 5.6.0 (2/10/14)
Updates in MI:
Misc minor updates through entire UP and one small change near Black Lake in LP. Thanks to T Piper, R Mrakitsch and D Wright for info and/or Data.
Updates in WI:
Updated Dunn County, thanks to Dunn County Snowmobile Association.
Updated Juneau County, thanks to New Lisbon Winter Riders.
Updated Portage County, thanks to Almond Sno-Eagles.
Misc updates in Lincoln, Price, Vilas and Oneida counties, thanks to M Sigl for data.
Updated Chippewa, Pepin, Trempealeau, Jackson, Clark and Buffalo Counties, thanks to T Kohlke and P Kohlmeier for data.
Multiple county POI updates, primarily fuel stations.
Misc multi-county updates.
Version 5.5.0 (1/17/14)
Updated following trails in MI:
88, 888, 443 near Seney/Grand Marais. Thanks for JCavanaugh and MMarx for info.
59, near Wayland. Thanks for JBerens for data.
95, 12, 11, 59 near Dowagiac. Thanks for TPiper and BRockwell for data.
Updated following areas in WI:
Major improvements in routing functionality, state-wide.
Updated Barron, St Croix counties.
Updated Marinette (thanks to Pemenee River Riders)
Updated Portage & Marathon (thanks for Junction City Sundowners)
Updated Racine (thanks for North Cape Windlake Drifters)
POI additions/updates/changes state-wide.
Version 5.1.0 (10/3/13)
Various POI updates.
Minor trail updates in MI.
Version 5.0.0 (3/18/13)
Great Lakes Edition, now includes Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Minnesota is all MN DNR data and from 2011/2012. No points of interest in this release.
Wisconsin is incomplete for many "southern" counties and limited points of interest in this release.
No changes for MI since v4.90 of the MI maps. No changes for IN.
InterState routing (routing between each state does NOT work in this release). Routing does work in each individual State.
"B/W" map, which was optimized for black and white displays, is no longer included.
Version 4.9.0 (3/10/13)
Updated Trail 99 (near Cheboygan, moved back to trail in woods) & Trail 9 south of Millersburg; thanks to B. Ulrich for info.
Removed closed Trail 760 (to Springbrook Golf Course, near Wolverine), thanks to J. Cost for info.
Updated Trails 472, 49, 491, 47, 471, other misc updates/closures of spur trails; Mackinac County.
Added new section of 491 on Drummond Island; Updated Trails 2, 7, 411, 413 (Rapid River - Manistique) and Trail 8 (Paradise); thanks to B. Olsick for data.
Implemented new routing algorithim based on customer feedback; provides even higher priority for trail over non-Trail options.
Updated Trail 8, 14, 321 and 14 (Marquette/Big Bay). Thanks to D. Handke for data.
Version 4.8.0 (2/10/13)
Updated Trail 493, 496 and other misc on Drummond, thanks to R. Mrakitsch for data.
Updated Trail 11, near Wakefield and connects to WI.
Updated Trail 33, near Helps (Felch), thanks to S. Bach for info.
Updated Trail 47 near Strongs (moved back to RR Grade from 2012 reroute).
Updated Trail 8 near Pine Stump Junction (temporary reroute around burned-down Rainbow Lodge), thanks to S. Chick for info.
Misc POI updates, food/gas connector spurs.
Version 4.7.0 (11/30/12)
Updated Trail 4 near East Jordan (thanks for B Wood for info).
Updated Trail 76 near Elmira (thanks to K Davenport for data).
Updated Trail 4/76 near Alba (thanks to K Davenport for data).
Updated Trail 4/9 near Atlanta.
Updated Trail 45 near Newberry.
Version 4.6.1 (2/5/12)
Updated Trail 47 near Strongs (eastern UP).
Changed trail name display behavior to show using square "highway" shields instead of just text to improve display on some units.
Version 4.6.0 (2/1/12)
Added new connector between Trail 59 and 591 near Middleville; thanks to J. Berens for data.
Added section of Trail 2 near Rapid River back to map (now open); thanks to B. Olsick for info.
Added new Trail 159 near Baraga.
Updated Trails 3, 8 & 13 in western UP, thanks to R. Mrakitsch for data.
Updated Trail 8 near Shingleton, thanks to C Pomerville for data.
Updated Trail 109 near Alston.
Updated Trails 310, 8, 14, 16, 116, 111, 5, 2, 15, 107 & 3; western UP.
Removed closed sections of Trails 16 and 107; Ontonagon and Iron Counties.
Added misc local access trails; updated misc POI.
Misc fixes to routing functions in Gladwin & Roscommon counties.
Version 4.5.0 (12/28/11)
Added new trail 665 near Glennie (Iosco).
Added Trail 643 near Lupton (Oscoda).
Added Trail 692 near St Helen (Roscommon).
Updated Trail 3 near Ahmeek (Keweenaw).
Added Keweenaw Lodge connector trail (Keweenaw).
Updated trails 492 & 493 on Drummond Island, thanks to R Mrakitsch for data.
Added Alpena Town Routes (Alpena)
Updated Trail 35 near Bass Lake (Manistee).
Updated/Added many POI (food/fuel/lodging/parking). Now list "Seasonal" if gas station is questionable if it will be open.
Improved visibility of certain lines including thicker forest and county roads.
Version 4.2.0 (2/28/2011)
Added new Trail 760 to Petoskey.
Updated Trail 59 near Niles.
Added Trail 11 near Niles.
Updated Trail 3 near Baldwin, thanks to F Hovorka for info.
Updated Trail 3 & 36 near Baldwin, Irons, Thanks to J Rigterink for data.
Removed closed Trail 3 (connector) near Mass City, thanks to A Wilkins for info.
Updated Trail 478 near Mancelona.
Updated Trail 7 near Frederic.
Updated Trail 124 & 3, removed closed section of Trail 135 near Houghton/Keweenaw; thanks to B Much for data.
Updated Trail 8 and other in-town trails in the Soo.
Added new Trail 386 to Bear Lake.
Updated Trail 59, 12 and 130 near Edwardsburg & PawPaw.
Updated Trail 59, 19 and 191; Allegan and Shelby areas, thanks to J Berens for data.
Version 4.1.1 (1/1/2011)
Corrected misc routing errors
Version 4.1.0 (12/26/2010)
Updated Trail 590 in Berrien County, thanks to C White for data.
Updated Trail 99 and 996 in Presque Isle County, thanks to H Lawson for info.
Updated Trail 6/7 near Higgins Lake, thanks to M Kelly for info.
Updated Trail 5, 14 & 310 near Big Bay, thanks for P Allen for data.
Added Trail 82 near Ishpeming, thanks to D Britton for info.
Removed closed section of Trail 2 west of Manistique.
Removed closed section of Trail 415 near Garden.
Corrected misc routing errors.
Version 4.0.0 (11/26/2010)
Added routing functions to include trails and roads; will now route on snowmobile trails and county/other roads and is configured to prefer snowmobile trails. This release does not include routing support for forest roads on State land (does include roads on USFS land).
Version 3.3.0 (7/10/2010 not released)
Removed portion of closed trail 19 in Oceana County. Update Trail 194 in Oceana County.
Updated Trail Trail 130 near Cassopolis, thanks to T Noone.
Updated Trail 122 & 124 near Gay.
Misc trail updates in Keweenaw.
Updated Trail 33 near Gwinn, thanks to B Much.
Updated Trail 3 near Maple Valley, thanks to A Zell.
Updated Trail 5 near Cedar Springs, thanks to M Kelly.
Version 3.2.1 (2/10/2010)
Updated Trail 133 near Gay (was mis-labeled as trail 124). Thanks
to M Kelly for data.
Added new trail near Hopkins (labeled as 593, no DNR # assigned
at this time); updated trail 591. Thanks to J Berens for data/info.
Improved "night mode" road line visibility on most models.
Updated/added various POI.
Version 3.2.0 (2/5/2010)
Updated Trail 4 near Lakes of the North, thanks to R Edmunds for
Updated Trail 5, 6, 37, 379 & connectors near Caberfae & Cadillac.
Added SM-134 back in; removed closed portion of SM-124 (Keweenaw
area), thanks to A Hicks for data/info.
Updated Trail 8 & 89 near Seney/Grand Marais, thanks to F Kraemer & S
Chick for data/info.
Corrected label on portion of SM-473 (near Rexton, was SM-2), thanks
to B Ulrich.
Updated MVUM data with current 2010 release Data for Huron National
Forest (USFS Road)
Updated/added various POI.
Version 3.1.0 (1/16/10)
Added trail 996 (Rogers City connector).
Added trail 101 (near Konteka/Bergland).
Updated trails 4, 9, 99, 992, 464 (minor changes).
Added numerous points of interest (gas/food).
Thanks to Fred K, Bob U, Andrew W and Mark U for notice of needed
trail updates & data.
Version 3.0.1 (1/3/10)
Added new feature/function that enables gas stations and parking
lots to show on all units, especially Nuvi models, at all zoom
levels. Now can visually browse the map up to 5 mile zoom to
see gas stations in addition to search functionality.
Improved appearance/functionality of several points of interest.
Modified behavior in MapSource to signficantly reduce detail when
zooming out futher (major performance improvement, only affects
MapSource on Windows).
Version 3.0.0 (1/1/10)
Major new feature - Snowmobile Trails are now "routable".
Made adjustments to custom line colors to improve visibility of
forest roads on some models as well as when used in "night" mode.
Removed Trail 159 near Baraga (closed for 2nd year)
Updated Thumb area trails including renaming to new numbers and
adding new trails. Thanks to Thumbs Up snowmobile club for data.
Removed known closed fuel stations; added various other POI.
Version 2.6.0 (10/26/09)
Added Snowmobile Trail 464 near Alpena.
Version 2.5.0 (10/19/09)
Major change to road line appearance - now has same look/feel on
all color models (eTrex to Nuvi) as well as MapSource.
Updated Snowmobile Trail 655e near Prudenville.
Updated Snowmobile Trail 591 near Middleville.
Added new search/Find functionality in MapSource and GPS, search
for Fuel and see nearest, etc.
Version 2.0.0 (10/9/09)
Added/updated serveral POI
Added Manistee National Forest MVUM (Motor Vehicle Use Maps)
Updated MVUM for Hiawatha and Ottawa
Version 1.8.0 (2/9/09)
Added several POI (food/parking)
Updated trail 2 near Wakefield; trail 1 near Lake Gogebic; updated
trail 132; added trail 122 from Gay to Lac La Belle back in; updated
trail 3 near Lake Linden; Added Ranch Rudolf connector trail (Traverse
City); Updated trail 37 to Mesick; updated trail 638 near Caberfae;
added gas connector near M37-M55. Updated trail numbering on several
sections near Wellston and Mesick.
Thanks to Rob E and Charlie K for updates in western UP.
Version 1.7.2 (2/6/09)
Updated trails 160 and 11 in Gogebic and Ontonagon Counties (including
rename of trail 100 to 160). Thanks to Rob E for updates.
Version 1.7.1 (1/24/09)
Corrected major issue with Marquette county where some GPS units
would fail to show map detail when physically located within
county boundary.
Version 1.7.0 (1/13/09)
Added new "Horny Bear" trail near Mancelona (trail 768).
Corrected trail designation on portions of 769 and 79; minor updates
to trails 4, 7, 76, 79 & 769 near Starvation Lake.
Version 1.6.0 (12/20/08)
Minor updates to trail 442 in Alger County, 109 in Houghton County,
16 in Iron, 2 in Schoolcraft and trail 2 in Mackinac County.
Thanks to Rob E for info.
Added secondary installer to facilitate loading maps directly to
Nuvi and other units including directly to memory cards.
Version 1.5.2 (12/7/08)
Minor updates to trails in Luce County (including through town
Version 1.5.1 (7/20/08)
Updated to support latest Garmin MapSource (no map changes).
Version 1.5.0 (6/14/08)
Added National Forest Roads for all National Forest in Michigan
based on current Motor Vehicle Use Maps released by the USFS. Note
Manistee National Forest has not been finalized at time of release.
Version 1.2.3 (2/19/08)
Added old-style fuel station points to map to better show fuel
stations on the map while also keeping the "new" style
to better enable searching (points are now duplicated in map).
This enables viewing on Nuvi/Zumo units which do not have ability
to show all POI regardless of zoom unlike other Garmin models.
Added misc POI for food/fuel/other (approx 30 items).
Updated Trails 1, 3, 12, 120, 122, 124 from White Pine through
Thanks to Gary R. & Craig P. for information and tracks for
these corrections.
Updated Trails 59, 590, 591 near Niles.
Thanks to Tony S. for information and tracks for these corrections.
Version 1.2.2 (2/15/08)
Updated Trail 6, 96 and 960 near Foote Dam.
Thanks to Larry V. for information and tracks for these corrections.
Version 1.2.1 (2/14/08)
Updated Trail 7 from Alanason to Reams Rd (west of Indian River).
Updated Trail 4 near Waters (where Trail 4 & Trail 7 Intersect).
Thanks to Rob E. for information & tracks for these corrections.
Version 1.2.0 (2/5/08)
Added hundreds of points of interest (POI). Includes Commercial
Members of the Michigan Snowmobile Association - members have "(MSA)" appended
to end of name. POI added include gas, food, lodging, dealers
and other (not all POI have had coordinates verified, expect
some location discrepancy).
Corrected search function for POI such as fuel, food and lodging
so that "find" within the GPS will work as expected.
Modified zoom levels so that trails now show at extended views
(was 3 miles, now is 150+ miles).
Changed county and forest roads to show only at lower zoom levels,
improves map display performance.
Corrected name for Trail 8 segment, was labeled Trail 2 from Shingleton
to Wetmore.
Version 1.1.4 (1/30/08)
Added missing Trail 88 (888 to 43 North of Seney)
Added missing Trail 448 (from Lewiston to 404) - thanks to Rob
E for notification and track data.
Corrected trail 4/76 (Alba to Starvation Lake) - thanks to Frank
L for reporting issue and Rob E for notification and track data.
Updated, added Missing Spurs & Corrected Trails 14, 310, 14/310,
5, 7, 419, 417, 8, 419 Spur, 7/8, 2 in the Marquette/Big Bay/Munising/Manistique/Gwinn
areas. Thanks to Mike H. for notification on 14/310 trail discrepancy.
Version 1.1.3 (1/06/08)
Updated Thumb Snowmobile
Trail to current trail ground conditions as of publish date, significant
change from previous trail. Thanks to Rob E. for assistance.
Version 1.1.2 (1/04/08) Corrected missing trail data for Thumb snowmobile trail. Thanks
to Rob E. for reporting issue.
Version 1.1.1 (12/27/07)
Minor update to installer only; corrected issue during upgrade
from previous version that could cause error when loading maps
to GPS (no reports of such an error nor was it found when testing
specifically for error).
Version 1.1.0 (12/15/07)
Major updates.
Trail line is now thicker, yellow with orange border. Trail lines
display proper color on 276C and other models that had related
Corrections on snowmobile trail data; removed incorrect trail segments
(data errors); merged all segments for better performance.
Dozens of new gas stations; many parking/staging area updates.
Trail now displays at further-out zoom levels (3 miles on computer,
2 miles on GPS).
Advanced Users have multiple color options for trail display (see
Added options to change trail color (see C:\VVMapping\Color Picker).
Thanks to Tony Suddon for trail corrections near Indiana.
Version 1.00 (10/1/07)
First Release.
Version 1.01 (10/28/07)
Corrected Wayne(west) county
Questions? Please email
us with your questions/suggestions.